Parlour POD

Sandy Anghie & Isla McRobbie | 2022 Perth Winter


Our conversationalists for this episode are Sandy Anghie and Isla McRobbie. Sandy is a lawyer turned architect and president of the WA Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects. Isla is an architect turned construction lawyer and partner at Jackson McDonald.

In this engaging episodde, both speakers discuss their experiences navigating professional identities and perspectives in the construction industry, sharing their approaches to career development in architecture and law; and the importance of bringing different perspectives to these professions.

Sandy discusses the constantly diminishing market share of architects and her passion for advocating for the skills and interests of architects, motivating her to seek influential positions to drive change. While Sandy has moved around and enjoyed a diverse portfolio career, Isla has had a long, successful career at Jackson McDonald, taking on a range of committee and board positions to learn and grow, including the Master Builders board (making her the first woman on the board in 119 years).

This episode was recorded live on Whadjuk Nyoongar Country at the 2022 Perth Winter Salon. Held at Brickworks Design Studio in Winter, it was convened by Suzie Hunt and run in collaboration with #WorkWomenWisdom

We hope you enjoy Parlour POD, live recordings from our much loved Seasonal Salon series. For more great Parlour content, head to our website, and follow Parlour on Instagram or LinkedIn. To support our ongoing work, join the Parlour Collective!