Parlour POD

Samantha Donnelly & Tiana-Jane Furner-McBeath | Sydney Autumn 2021


Our conversationalists are Samantha Donnelly and Tiana-Jane Furner-McBeath. Sam is an architect, educator and researcher. She is undertaking her PhD at Monash University and is now a lecturer in the School of Interior Architecture at UTS. Tiana-Jane is an Aboriginal woman and architectural graduate at BVN. At the time of the conversation she was living between Gomeroi and Gadigal Country.  

Tiana-Jane and Sam exchange experiences of working with oppressed or endangered communities, and discuss the tangible, on-the-ground change they seek to create. Tiana shares her research into Indigenous incarceration. Sam talks about her work with women’s refuges. Through this fascinating chat, it becomes clear it is imperative to remain humorous while tackling some of the toughest challenges. 

This episode of Parlour POD was produced with the assistance of the Alastair Swayn Foundation through a Design Audio Grant. Thanks!

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