Parlour POD
Parlour POD
Minnie Cade & Sonia Sarangi | Melbourne Spring 2022
Our conversationalists for this episode are Minnie Cade and Sonia Sarangi. Both Melbourne-based architects, they met for the first time for this conversation. Sonia is a director at Andever and, at the time of the recording, Minnie was a Principal at Wardle.
Their conversation canvasses collaboration and independence in the workplace and the intersections of personal and professional lives. Minnie speaks of her background as an elite rower and the influence of this on how she leads teams in architecture. She emphasises the importance of caring for the performance of others, playing to people’s strengths while simultaneously pushing them to learn. Sonia discusses her experiences across cultures, continents and hierarchies, reflecting on what is possible – and not – within different workplaces. This is a thoughtful discussion about the importance of speaking up, curiosity and being engaged in the world.
This episode of Parlour POD was produced with the assistance of the Alastair Swayn Foundation through a Design Audio Grant. Thanks!
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